While I probably am going to talk about things in my life that are not unbelievably interesting, I want this to mostly be an arts blog, but "arts" is a huge term, so expect many different things. I'll probably talk about music and fashion and other things that I think are dope as shit.
So without further ado, I'll get into it.
R.A.M.B.O. (Revolutionary Anarchist Mosh Bike Overthrow) are the fucking shit. They're a straight edge vegan anarchist thrashcore band from good old filthy Philadelphia. God they're good. Politically charged, harsh and dissonant, they still have some incredibly catchy guitar riffs. At their live shows, people in the audience would come dressed as Vikings and police officers, and during the show they would do battle on huge cardboard artifices. They amicably broke up in May 2007, but not before throwing one last show with pretty much the greatest lineup ever- World/Inferno Friendship Society, Witch Hunt, Paint it Black (I think) and so many more. I had a ticket to that show but it coincided with the graduation party of some of my best friends and plus I was sick. So it's tough to decide whether or not I regret not going. It would be fucking nuts for sure, but I might've needed the day off. Anyway, the album cover above is from "Bring It!", their second full-length release. It's raw as shit. Cop it here. Standout tracks are 1, 7, 9, 14 and 18. The whole thing is awesome though. And if you like what you hear, then buy the album because it is definitely fucking worth it.
I see Tony Pointless (one of the members of the band) at R5 shows a lot. I wonder if he would be weirded out if I came up to him and begged him to get the band back together. That sounds like an awful sitcom pilot.
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