Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunny day

Before break, my friend Dan was asking people if they wanted to be in an intramural dodgeball league. I said yes, not knowing that he was serious, but even if he was, not really caring. He was serious, and tonight at seven o'clock our team is going up against a group that's also from Macalester, I think. I don't really know.

Right now our team name is "Dupre Five" which is shit so I was thinking of different names. They include, all with "D5E" before the name:

Satanic Warmongers
Blasphemous Goatlords
Eternal Blackness
Spear of Odin
Nail Tornado
Blood Hurricane
Tools of the Dark Lord
Choir of the Goat

Et cetera. Any combination of the words goat, Satan, blasphemy, wraith, grim, and similar wintry terms will do. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

In other news, the new Darkthrone album "F.O.A.D." is a piece of shit. It sounds like a joke album put together by Seth Putnam or some other asshole. I don't understand how the same people who put together something as good as "Transilvanian Hunger," which I am listening to now, could vomit forth such festering waste. There's a song on the new album titled "Canadian Metal." Come on guys, are you serious? I love Canadian metal and Cryptopsy as much as anybody else, but there is no need for true Norwegian black metal fiends to make a song about it, though the song itself is hardly songly enough to be called a song. I think there are two guitar notes (singular) played at most and the drums are a cheap fucking deathcore rip-off. Deathcore? Are you serious? Go put on some fucking eyeliner if you're going to stumble down that trash-strewn road. Sing in Norwegian for god's/Satan's sake.

In order to maintain Darkthrone's good name, or what good name it once had, I will link "Transilvanian Hunger" so that people can feel the frost of real kvlt metal.Get at it here. It is a raw, vaguely minimalist black metal album that has been deemed essential by pretty much every son or daughter of the darkness. Not to mention that the cover, Fenriz holding a candelabra and screaming, is vast grim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're all i'd ever want in frost and grimmness.